Saturday, 30 June 2012

 Looking forward to Singapore

 By Jay


In Singapore I am so looking forward to the Jurong Bird Park. I hope to see the Toucan because I like their colours.

Some other birds I hope to see are the parrots and flamingos. I wonder if there will be pelicans and albatross. In six weeks time you can see if I saw those birds.

In Singapore I am also looking forward to the Singapore Zoo Night Safari. I wonder what animals we'll see and what it will be like driving round at night.

I also like Asian food. I'm looking forward to having it while we're there. Yum yum!


  1. Margie Stewart3 July 2012 at 19:22

    How exciting, Jay!! I'll be stuck here in Blenheim while you travel the world! But I'll be looking forward to reading all your stories.
    Love the travel pillow and snap to Asian food-yum! x x
    Margie Stewart (who is in mum's writing group and lives down the road from you.)

  2. Thanks for the comment Margie

  3. I went to the bird park a long time ago but it was so much fun and will be even better now! I hope you see a Toucan - they are very cool birds. Have fun Lucy :)

    1. Thanks Lucy I hope I see a Toucan
      From Jay

  4. That sound great Jay! Take lots of photos. I miss you already! Love from your aunty x

  5. Hi Rose thanks for the comment.
    Lots of love from Jay
