Sunday, 2 September 2012

Eressos The beginning ~ Fathers Day in Greece

By Ella

On Wednesday we arrived in Eressos.

Eressos is on the other side of the island so it took about 3 hours to drive from Plomari to here but we stopped for lunch on the way.

We are not right on the beach like the other house but it only takes about 5 minutes to get there. We have also got a swimming pool.

The village has got cobbled streets and cool houses with brightly coloured doors. There are really nice bakeries with yummy bread and croissants.

Yesterday we went to a river that runs into the sea. We saw hundreds of turtles and fish and we fed them with bread.

We don’t actually know if they have fathers day in Greece but we celebrated it any way.
We bought dad and Papou these things called worry beads and all the men sit in the cafes and play with them while they worry. We thought it would be funny to get them them.


  1. Wow those turtles are amazing Ella! I think Matt needs some of those worry beads because his car won't go!

  2. Fabulous photos Ella. LOVE the turtles!
    The worry beads sound interesting, what a great idea. Reminds me of a book we read a little while ago about worry dolls. A little boy had some worries, his Mum made him a worry doll out of a wooden peg......he told the doll all his worries, slept with the doll under his pillow the morning he was free of all his worries!!! xxxx

  3. WOW lots of turtles, wish I could see them!!

  4. Hi Ella, looks like so much fun. I wish I was there with you.
    I can't believe there were so many turtles.
    From Hannah BFF
    P.S Miss you lots

  5. A great description of your latest "home" Ella. We can now picture you there.We were amazed to see all those turtles! Good to know ther are so many. It was a good idea to celebrate father's day in Greece. Rosie brought us lovely muffins for afternoontea, your Mum sent a text(thanks) and Tim rang up.
    Lots of love to all.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  6. Eressos looks like a lovely village, Ella -- and the bakeries sound delicious. Love the photos of the turtles. The water is teeming with them!

  7. Great photo's guys. Enjoying the updates from you guys. Such a beautiful part of the world!!!! Has been very warm here for early september 15 deg overnight out here GG. Chard will be out very soon if this keeps up. Take care


  8. Hi Guys
    What a fantastic time you are having and amazing experiences. We are missing you at school of course Jay & Luca. I love the turtles. The scenery there looks wonderful. We have the dance festival tomorrow night at the stadium. The children have been practicing very hard. We have been making some 'O' wings for our flight study at the moment. Here is the link if you want to have a go,
    We have Harold visiting, and our class goes to the mobile classroom next week. Have you been to visit a Greek school yet, mind you who would have time for that with all the other exciting adventures you are experiencing. Take carexxoo Mrs Herdman
    Hi to the rest of the family.
